Thursday, November 3, 2011


Setting effective boundaries requires more than just drawing a line in the sand. It takes more than just saying, "Don't step over this line or I will kick your butt!" In order to say what you mean, you must mean what you say. If and when the inevitable happens, and someone does step over the line and you have issued the previous warning, you must "kick their butt." If you do not, your warnings are worthless and your boundaries have collapsed like a sand castle under an ocean wave. 

We teach people how to treat us. If you have issued warning after warning, and have not followed through, what do people learn? They learn that you are not serious. They learn that you are all talk and no go. 

It is important to choose your follow-up action carefully. If you don't like to "kick butt", and really don't intend to follow through with that action, that is a poor action to choose. Follow-up action needs to be something that you are very comfortable with and that you intend to employ, if needed. 

If someone is leaving messages on your phone and you don't want them to do that anymore, what are your options? 

You can change your number.
You can call them and tell them to stop or else...
You can tell them that you refuse to listen to the messages and you are deleting them.

There are any number of things you can do. What feels right for you and what are you comfortable doing? What do you want?

There are no right or wrong answers. Just know, that if you choose to call them and tell them to stop, there is a good chance they will continue. Why? Because there is no reason for them not to. You are giving them more attention by calling them and speaking to them, which may be exactly what they want. And now, you are reinforcing their unwanted behavior. If you choose to draw the line in the sand and don't follow through, that is fine, but then you must accept the consequences of your actions.

If you truly want peace from their unsolicited actions, you must be prepared to follow through and back up your boundaries.

A suggestion would be: send them a message, via the phone or email (depending upon the situation, you may not want to talk with them directly. This depends upon whether or not it's a stalking-type or harassing behavior), and ask them to please stop leaving messages on your voice mail. Inform them that you find the messages uncomfortable and distasteful and that if they continue you will no longer be listening them and that they will be deleted immediately, and  you will then report the behavior to authorities. (Putting all of this in writing in an email provides tangible proof for authorities that you have informed the person of your intentions if this is a situation of stalking or harassment). If the behavior continues, you MUST follow through. Do not listen to any more of the message than you need to to discern that it is this person and delete it immediately. And then report it.  

Now, this is just a suggestion. You need to decide for yourself what you are willing to accept and what you are not. And most importantly, what you are willing to do if your boundaries are not honored. 

Now, some of you will think that you are being mean to follow through after you have set a boundary. But what I want to encourage you to consider is this: Is it "mean" for the other person to violate your boundaries? If you have expressed your wishes, (which is your absolute right to do) and have made it clear that you do not want this person blowing up your phone and leaving messages, isn't it rude and disrespectful of the person to continue to do so?

We must value that which we are trying to protect. If you value your time, space, and self, what are you willing to do stand up for your right to live your life the way you see fit? What are you attracting into your life? Teach people how to treat you. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


One thing that almost always influences me to feel angry is when other "professional" people tell clients that things that other people did to them were not right; that those people were wrong. And also when these professionals tell the client that the client needs to forgive themselves for certain behaviors they have acted out. I am not saying that forgiving yourself is not helpful. What ruffles my feathers is when other people; professionals in particular, believe they know what is best for their clients and tell them what they need to do. I find it condescending and disempowering. Telling someone what you believe they need to do is not helpful. I learned that lesson very, very early on when I worked with people with addictions. The old adage, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," is not only true, but it is as it should be. We must understand our abilities, capabilities, options, and consequences not only from an intellectual level, but from the gut level as well. The deep, inner knowing. If not, we can expect to continue to find ourselves doing the same things over and over again.  

There are a lot of people who believe in the black and white concepts of right and wrong. Who believe in punishment as a helpful and constructive tool. Who believe in justice masked as revenge. 

However, for those of us who believe that we create our own lives; for those of us who believe that we are in charge of our lives and that we attract everything we experience in our lives; for those of us who believe that there is entirely too much punishment mentality in this world and nowhere near enough love and empowerment, punishment, and justice masked as revenge, do not work. 

When working on personal development issues, there is no good, healthy, or constructive reason to find someone else's actions "bad." Making someone else "less than" provides a false sense of security and superiority that is not based in fact. And, as a matter of fact, I am not personally aware of any human being who is so "faultless" that they could say, "Well, I have never done or said anything bad or wrong, so I am the best person to find fault with others." Finding fault with others feeds an unhealthy ego and when our egos are out of balance, we are dis-eased.

The other more important point is that when we are working on our own personal development issues, we need to look at what WE truly have power over and that would be our own thoughts, our own words, our own actions, and our own feelings. That being said, what other people have said or done is none of our business. Putting any focus on them puts us in a place of disempowerment. Why? Because now we are focused on an area where we have no power at all: other people's thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. 

So, if someone else is telling you what they believe you need to do, I encourage you to think for yourself. Weigh out all of your options, even the ones you believe are ridculous. Measure them against how they make you feel. If they make you feel anything less than wonderful about yourself, consider discarding them. If they make you feel wonderful about yourself, try to find the one that makes you feel the very best. That will be a clue as to which action to take. 

It's your life and you know yourself better than anyone. What do you want? Does your environment, choice of friends/family, words that you speak and actions that you take, support the things you want in life? You have the answers and they are right for you. 

Friday, June 24, 2011


Let's face it - it's difficult to stay positive and upbeat all the time! Somedays can be particularly challenging. But what I know is that the more I focus on negativity and the people, places, and things that I don't want in my life, the more of them I will attract! So how do we turn things around on those tough days?

Surround yourself with the things that inspire you to feel joy, happiness, peace, blessed, grateful, and all of the feelings you wish to feel so that you are attracting the people, places, situations, and things you want! Start with your immediate environment - your home, car, and workplace.

Have you had a particular picture hanging on your wall for so long you don't even see it any more? You may still like it, but it may be time to take it down and store it for a while and replace it with something fresh and different - something that makes you feel good when you look at it.

Perhaps it's time to paint a wall. Colors are a great way to invite positive feelings. What color speaks to you? What color makes you feel good?

Play some music and dance around your living room. Light some incense or scented candles. Music and aromatherapy! Two really great ways to lighten your mood and raise your vibration. 

Spend some time, (or some money if you'd prefer to have someone else do it), and deep clean your vehicle. Wipe down the console and get a new air freshner. 

Remove those old photos and knick-knacks on your desk at work and bring in fresh ones. They don't have to be brand new - just new to you! How about a new plant? Real or fake!

Cleaning, purging, moving old energy and replacing with fresh, new energy, pleasing aromas and sounds, colors and lights - all of these things can lift our spirits and give us a different outlook on our day. And not just on our day, but on life in general. I encourage you to always surround yourself with people, places, and things that support you, that make you feel good, and that represent the person you are and wish to become. Life is too short to spend it on any person, place, situation, or thing that doesn't bring us joy!

Many Blessings!

Monday, June 20, 2011


I believe that the word, “power”, is very misunderstood. Most people believe that only certain people have power and that everyone else is at their mercy. I believe we all have exactly the same amount of power. 
Typically, people think that those with the most physical strength (or military strength), those with the most money, and those with the most prestigious positions of authority, have the most power. Not only do I believe this is erroneous, I believe it disempowers us and gives us the false impression that we are victims. 
We all possess the exact same amount of power. Our True Power. That power is: the ability to choose our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Not only to choose them but to be in total control of them. Nobody else can get inside of me, and MAKE me think something. Nobody else can climb into my mouth and manipulate my lips and tongue to say something. Those powers are mine and mine alone. Other people have no power over my thoughts, words, actions, or feelings. I choose those. But other people DO have the ability to influence me. Their influence may be weak and subtle, or it may be forceful and overwhelming. But that is the extent of their capabilities. I choose my own thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Always. Now, I DON’T always choose consciously. But it doesn’t matter because I am still choosing by default. It’s Universal law. 

As Abraham, (Jerry and Esther Hicks) says: “...nothing will come into your experience unless you invite it through your thought - with emotional thought and great expectation...”. 
Where people tend to get hung up is that they say, “Well, that’s just not true! I didn’t invite debt, or pain, or losing my job! I never wanted those things to happen!” And THAT is exactly the point! Because they were thinking about how they didn’t want debt, or pain, or being unemployed they were focused on the thoughts and feelings of those very things they did not want. The more that we focus on what we don’t want, the more we attract to us!
I believe we were granted Free Will. FREE Will. That means, it doesn’t cost anything. There are no sanctions, or promises, or threats associated with it. We get to choose. Period. The only sanctions, promises, or threats associated with our choices are the ones we imagine, or think into being. That is not to say that there aren’t natural consequences resulting from our choices. If you choose to cross the street without looking both ways first, you may very well get hit by a car! The point is, our Spiritual Source does not give us Free Will and then say, ...but if you choose something that I don’t like, you will be punished!” THAT is not FREE. 
Why do we have Free Will? To experience our lives exactly the way we choose because in those experiences, we gain wisdom. And with that wisdom we get to choose again. And in that next choice we can choose the next highest version of ourselves! Therefore, Free Will is a precious gift that empowers us to evolve. 
When we choose to make someone else at fault for something that has happened in our lives, we basically toss that precious gift aside. When we choose to believe we had no choice, blame others, make excuses, manipulate others, and deny our own abilities and responsibilities (our abilities to respond), we choose to ignore our gift of Free Will and choose something we don’t want. Stress, debt, illness, anxiety, etc. 
I refuse to leave this most precious, powerful, and loving gift lying in the corner to collect dust! I choose, with my thoughts and emotions, joy, abundance, love, comfort, health, happiness, and laughter. What do you choose?

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hello Friends!

Thanks for stopping by! 

A friend of mine has a blog site on here and I thought to myself, "Why not!"

So, stop by often to find out what I'm up to, what's coming up, and just to find some hope and encouragment. First blog will be posted soon.

Many Blessings!