Thursday, June 14, 2012

Manifest with Emotion

What would your life be like if you had no barriers whatsoever?
What if: you could go wherever you wanted in a short period of time, in comfort, at very little or no cost? 

What if: you were assured of always having plenty of food to eat, clean, fresh water to drink, and lots of fresh air to breathe?
What if: nobody could ever cause you harm, put you down, call you names, or ignore you?
What if: you felt confident, excited, happy, and positively about yourself all the time?
What if: all illnesses could be cured, you could live forever, and you could have the body you want?
What if: you could do exactly what you want all the time, never have to worry about money or bills, and love doing what you are doing?

How might your life be different if these things were true? Just consider it, whether you believe it could ever be possible or not. 
What would you be doing with your life? Would you do what you are doing now, or something completely different? 
Would you live where you live now, or in some far away, exotic location?

Would you try things you’ve never tried? Climb mountains, sail the seas, build a bridge, paint a portrait, travel to other universes, or write a novel? Would you make new friends, try eating new kinds of food, help someone reach a goal, or learn a new craft?
Would you have a party and invite people you’ve never met, share your home with people from another country, or learn a new language?
If Lewis and Clarke had believed that nothing but danger, trouble, and terror were awaiting them on their trip west, if they had believed that absolutely nothing good could come of it, would they have gone?
Do you allow other peoples’ experiences to dictate whether or not you choose to experience something? If somebody else has a bad experience with a dentist, do you avoid that particular dentist?
If somebody else got “ripped off” by a particular telephone company, do you choose a different one?
If somebody else stayed at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and had a horrible time, would you stay somewhere else?
We sometimes limit our experiences by the beliefs we choose to invest in. If I believe I will never travel abroad because nobody in family ever has, then how can I possibly ever experience that if my mind, and therefore any possibility to that experience, is closed off; shut down; inconceivable?
Is it our belief that people who experience wonderful vacations, jobs that they love, a comfortable home, or traveling the world are just extremely lucky? That they just happened to be in the right place at the right time and even though they were totally focused on the negative; on the idea that nothing good could ever happen to them, they just stumbled upon good fortune?!
People who experience people, places, things, and situations that are fun, exciting, positive, and uplifting are not sitting around like Sad Sacks, ruminating about how awful their lives are. They are not thinking to themselves that nothing good ever happens to them or that they can’t possibly experience the kinds of things they want to in their lives!
If you believe you can have, do, or experience anything you wish to, the chances of that happening have increased twofold just because you have opened up the possibility with your thoughts. Now, take just a few more minutes and imagine the emotions you would feel when you finally experience those things! Focus on those emotions for at least 17 seconds and you just doubled the chances again! Why? Because the power of emotion is at least twice as strong as the power of thought alone. 

So, have your own experience by thinking and FEELING your wants into being. Stretch yourself. Step out of your comfort zone. It may feel uncomfortably momentarily, but if you will continue to focus on what you really want, that discomfort will become more and more comfortable.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A lot of people are experiencing chaos in their lives these days. Chaos, defined as confusion and disorder, can affect many different areas of our lives, from finances, to relationships, to careers. One small hiccup can occur and before we know it, things are absolutely spinning out of control! 

Along with this confusion and disorder come feelings of frustration, rage, depression, fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. 

Does chaos serve any useful purpose or is it just one big, hot mess? By the time we find ourselves in the midst of chaos, our nerves can be wearing quite thin. But what if you could unplug yourself from the crazy-making at any given moment and turn things around so that you are actually focused on what you want, rather than what you don't want? You see, by the time chaos arrives, we will find that we have spent a good deal of our time worrying about or trying to prevent things that we don't want to have happen. We're worried about making the rent payment this month and so we begin thinking about where we can cut corners. We wonder about cutting down the grocery bill. Then we run out to the grocery store to pick up a few things and we become angry and frustrated about the high prices. When we leave the store, we stop by the mailbox to pick up the mail and discover a bill for the car insurance that we forgot would be coming soon. By this time, we are so angry it takes very little to push us over the edge, and sure enough, when we get home we discover a leak in the bathroom faucet! God bless our spouse/partner should they happen to walk in at this very moment!

Chaos, and the emotions that accompany it, is all about energy. Everything is energy. When our energy is vibrating at a low frequency, such as those times when we are stressed out, depressed, enraged, or anxious, the only energy that wants to "hang out" with us, is similar energy. If a friend of yours is depressed or angry, do you want spend hours with them, or do you try to make them feel better so you can feel better too? Or, maybe you don't want to be around them at all because you feel great and don't want to be dragged down. The point is, like energy attracts like energy. So, if you are focused on the very people, places, things, or situations you don't want, guess what? You are going to attract more. And the biggest key lies not in what you are thinking about, but in what you are feeling! 

Thoughts, while they are energy, are not powerful enough on their own to attract. However, emotions, whether we identify them as good or bad, are extremely powerful! So, while everything begins with a thought, everything ends with an emotion. 

How we feel in any given moment, dictates what we will experience. "What you perceive, defines what you receive." How many people that you consider successful, go around declaring that they will never make it, or that they just aren't talented, smart, or lucky enough? None! Successful people do not obsess about the negative. They understand that to do so invites more of it. And the feelings they experience are feelings of excitement, joy, and confidence. 

As Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." The very first thing we need to do, either before chaos begins to manifest, or as soon as we recognize it is to calm ourselves. Every one of us has a place of calm within ourselves that is available to us any time we need it. We need only tap into it. 

One of the easiest ways to do this is to stop and take three deep breaths. It is amazing how the nutrient of oxygen can work to relax us! Not only that, but creating an equal exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen clears our energy channel, if you will, so that we can receive and transmit energy in a free-flowing way. 

Next, spend a few minutes remembering the last time you were completely relaxed and carefree. Were you laying in the sun on a beach somewhere? Soaking in a pool or hot tub? Or maybe you were cuddled up with a loved one or a pet in front of the TV. Wherever you were, breathe in that memory. And most importantly, feel the feelings of relaxation and peacefulness. This is the place from which to proceed, not from the confused and disordered place of chaos. 

Be aware of your feelings throughout your day and if you find yourself feeling an emotion that doesn't support the person you wish to be in this moment, take three deep breaths, calm yourself, and choose again. 

Many Blessings!