I believe that the word, “power”, is very misunderstood. Most people believe that only certain people have power and that everyone else is at their mercy. I believe we all have exactly the same amount of power.
Typically, people think that those with the most physical strength (or military strength), those with the most money, and those with the most prestigious positions of authority, have the most power. Not only do I believe this is erroneous, I believe it disempowers us and gives us the false impression that we are victims.
We all possess the exact same amount of power. Our True Power. That power is: the ability to choose our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Not only to choose them but to be in total control of them. Nobody else can get inside of me, and MAKE me think something. Nobody else can climb into my mouth and manipulate my lips and tongue to say something. Those powers are mine and mine alone. Other people have no power over my thoughts, words, actions, or feelings. I choose those. But other people DO have the ability to influence me. Their influence may be weak and subtle, or it may be forceful and overwhelming. But that is the extent of their capabilities. I choose my own thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Always. Now, I DON’T always choose consciously. But it doesn’t matter because I am still choosing by default. It’s Universal law.
As Abraham, (Jerry and Esther Hicks) says: “...nothing will come into your experience unless you invite it through your thought - with emotional thought and great expectation...”.
Where people tend to get hung up is that they say, “Well, that’s just not true! I didn’t invite debt, or pain, or losing my job! I never wanted those things to happen!” And THAT is exactly the point! Because they were thinking about how they didn’t want debt, or pain, or being unemployed they were focused on the thoughts and feelings of those very things they did not want. The more that we focus on what we don’t want, the more we attract to us!
I believe we were granted Free Will. FREE Will. That means, it doesn’t cost anything. There are no sanctions, or promises, or threats associated with it. We get to choose. Period. The only sanctions, promises, or threats associated with our choices are the ones we imagine, or think into being. That is not to say that there aren’t natural consequences resulting from our choices. If you choose to cross the street without looking both ways first, you may very well get hit by a car! The point is, our Spiritual Source does not give us Free Will and then say, ...but if you choose something that I don’t like, you will be punished!” THAT is not FREE.
Why do we have Free Will? To experience our lives exactly the way we choose because in those experiences, we gain wisdom. And with that wisdom we get to choose again. And in that next choice we can choose the next highest version of ourselves! Therefore, Free Will is a precious gift that empowers us to evolve.
When we choose to make someone else at fault for something that has happened in our lives, we basically toss that precious gift aside. When we choose to believe we had no choice, blame others, make excuses, manipulate others, and deny our own abilities and responsibilities (our abilities to respond), we choose to ignore our gift of Free Will and choose something we don’t want. Stress, debt, illness, anxiety, etc.
I refuse to leave this most precious, powerful, and loving gift lying in the corner to collect dust! I choose, with my thoughts and emotions, joy, abundance, love, comfort, health, happiness, and laughter. What do you choose?
I choose everything that is positive!
WooHoo!!! Love it, Marna!
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